The most cost-effective way to enhance your gated community.
With Virtual Guards Welcome Station and 24/7 monitoring, there is no more need for expensive human gate attendants. To find out more about how Virtual Guards can lower your HOA dues and increase the value of your community, click here.
Welcome Station™
The new Virtual Guards Welcome Station™ takes the video intercom into the 21st Century by enabling truly digital communication via a FaceTime®-like video chat between visitors, residents, and our Monitoring Station. The new system provides more robust features and offers a lower cost alternative with a faster installation timeline so buildings can get Virtual Guards installed and activated within days.
Resident App
The new 7th Generation Virtual Guards app has all the features our residents love with a new look. Packed with performance enhancements for better speed and reliability.
License Plate Recognition
Our Video Analytics and high-resolution cameras allow us to capture and store license plate information to streamline verification and always know who is inside your property. Residents can add license plates of family members and guests directly to their app for quick access to the community.